Waking Up at 5am
This habit is used by many productivity gurus and people who earn millions each year. Many notable people are Mike Dee (British youtuber living in Vietnam), Tim Cook (CEO of Apple), Howard Schultz (CEO of Starbucks) and Dwayne ‘the rock’ Johnson (former WWE wrestler and highest paid Hollywood actor).
The many benefits it has is very nice for all people and is listed below:
It shows you have a purpose in your life and with it in mind this can motivate you to do your best in what you're doing whether you are a student aiming for greatness or a CEO of a huge company.
At this time 95.2% of the world is asleep according to, with this the world is peaceful for once in our lives, constantly buzzing and draining your energy. This allows you to do things that require quietness and tranquility such as meditating or doing creative work, which can help you get into the flow state which according to Mike Dee is the time where you feel the happiest.
Witnessing the sunrise is one of the most beautiful things that a human can experience and if you wake up at 5am you can experience this more often and can make a really good Whatsapp profile picture.
It helps you plan out your day which can make your day less chaotic and more productive which is the end goal for all of us.
If you wake up at 5am it allows you to sleep at good times which allows your body to rest. This is due to the circadian rhythm in our body which throughout millions of years of evolution tells our body when to sleep and wake up.
Despite the many pros, there are still many cons to waking up early and they are addressed below:
This may raise stress levels due to a new sleep cycle when you first start, however, this can be overcome with the motivation and the discipline to revolve your life around your work.
This may lead to many expectations from your colleagues or classmates as you are dedicating time in the morning for work, however, you can meet those expectations easily by working hard.
You have less time in the evening as you need to sleep a little earlier which can leave out many enjoyable activities in the morning but this can be overcome by the sense of accomplishment of finishing your work as starting a profitable business is the real deal. I should know as this website is taking me hours to improve as there is always something to do like emails or trying to market my website.
Final thoughts
I personally tried out this one as it is safe to say when I started this struggle to get out of this rut of disappointment and shame. However, I came a long way and I now enjoy all the benefits I think this has improved the way I live and the grades I get in school. So I would recommend this to all people.
Listening to Vedic Chants
Hinduism is the 3rd most followed religion in the world and the 4th fastest-growing religion in the world. With 1.2 billion adherents to its name, many Vedic Chants are said around the world. One of the most famous Vedic chants is the ॐ (“Om”) which is meant to help trigger a state known as the flow state which is a small period in which you are locked into your work.
There are multiple advantages to this habit, such as the ones below:
It is known to keep you calm by yourself and can promote an ascetic life
Increases concentration and learning
Strengthens lungs and heart when said out loud
Reduces worries
Said to keep depression at bay
Despite the advantages, there may be disadvantages to it, which are listed below:
Takes a while to get into it, like many things in life
Final Thoughts
I do this daily and I find this very beneficial to my mind and brings comfort to me so I would recommend this to any person of any religion. This is the habit that has the least disadvantages so this is the easiest to implement.
In the productivity community, the Pomodoro technique is widely used for beginners with very low attention spans in order to keep productive. This technique consists of working with a high amount of focus for 30 minutes then taking a 5-minute break and then repeating until you have completed your work.
There are many benefits of using the Pomodoro technique, such as the ones below:
Known to allow a person take have enough rest when working
Improves the quantity and in some cases the quality of work one produces
Boosts motivation
Makes planning sessions easily
Allows time for ideas to be formed within the 30-minute periods
There are also many disadvantages to using this method such as the ones below:
Having too many breaks can be a huge distraction from your work
It can take you out of peak productivity
It can be annoying to be forced to take a break from work
Final Thoughts
Despite this being popular in the productivity community it can be quite annoying for people who have not messed their brains up with social media. However, if you are a beginner in achieving the flow state then I would recommend this however if you past that stage then it is not something I would recommend this to you.